A New Twist on an Old Art
Quilting is an old needle art that can be something made from scraps sewn together with batting to keep the family warm. Or it can be something made from carefully chosen fabric, pieced together to form a fabric work of art to be sewn together with batting for either a decorative use or to keep warm. At Carrollton’s annual Pioneer Day Festival, festival goers can see a new twist on this old art – crayon quilting.
Using crayons to create the design on muslin squares which are then sewn together with coordinating fabric gives an almost water color painted effect to the finished quilt. Put this together with an age-old needle art of quilting and you have something that you will treasure for years to come.
Most of us learned to use crayons at an early age. Some folks are quite good at creating designs with them. School classes use the process and the creative art to make a unique class project.
Members of the Vaiden Quilters Guild will have quilts to look at and instructions for getting started with a crayon quilt to give away Saturday, October 7, 2017. Look for these talented ladies in the Courthouse halls!